What does Qilin represent? It’s a mythical hooved chimerical creature known to many Asian cultures, and rumored to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler. The Qilin is sometimes referred to as a unicorn with dragon-like features, however, as the word chimera suggests, is a hybrid of numerous creatures. Although menacing in appearance, the mythology suggests the Qilin to be divine and peaceful, and thought to be a symbol of Good Health and Prosperity.
We wanted to produce unique products that were natural, made in Australia and definitely eco-friendly. Over the next few months, we will be launching our Flagship range of products with the name “Qilin Candles” which will be a symbol of products promoting Health and Prosperity, which all relates to your personal well-being. Especially in our current times, the need for maintaining a happy, joyful environment is paramount.
Just as the Qilin brings great health and propserity, Qilin Candles represents the symbol that will provide the above and much more, and we hope Qilin Candles will eventually branch into many other related products. Our first foray, will be candles.
First published 17 Jan 2021